Do you want to pursue your education in Rohr Bais Chaya Academy? Why not, Rabbi Moshe Rabin was awarded excellence in school leadership because of the academic results of the students studying in this academy.
If you cannot afford a good education, instead of letting go and stop, why not get a scholarship? Although not everyone is qualified to get a scholarship, taking your chance is still a good idea.
You might be asking, why do you need to get a scholarship? What’s in it for you? Some reasons are obvious, but just in case you want to know it, reading this article is a very good idea.
Reasons Of Getting A Scholarship
So why do you need to get a scholarship? The reasons are obvious, but just to make it clearer for you, here are some of the things you need to know about getting one:
To allow you to finish your education even if you are financially incapable
Yes, this is one of the usual reasons why students try their best to secure a scholarship despite the challenges they need to face just to get it. If you are financially unable to support your education, it is strongly recommended that you get a scholarship so you can still finish your school.
Your education can give you a better future, so make sure that you find ways to finish it.
To allow you to save up even while you are studying
Saving up while studying is a good idea, and this you can afford to do if you are paying your tuition fee. Some think that saving while studying is not necessary, anyway, they can find work after school. Just to remind you, not everyone is lucky to land a job in the first few days after graduation.
The scholarship can help you save up even if you are just a student. You can also decide on working to save more, but if this you decide on doing, make sure that you prioritize your education as that is more important than earning.
To help you get a good job in the future
If you want to get a good job in the future, then getting a scholarship is a good idea. You might be asking, how a scholarship can help you secure a good job. When you graduate under a scholarship program expect that you can give the employers a good impression.
Of course, students who were able to get, more so, finish their education through a scholarship program can definitely get a higher chance of getting employed to a good company than those who graduated without a scholarship.
To be an inspiration for others
If you graduated through a scholarship, expect that you can inspire many, especially to your family who already lost hope because of your financial situation. Let them know that finishing school is possible even if you are not financially lucky. Introduce them to the availability of scholarship grants and show them that there is hope despite your current financial situation.